How do you Process my device?
Once you book your order via our website or a 3rd party website you will be able to receive your pre-paid postage package.
Afterwards, once you remove all of your personal details from the device, you can package it and post it back to us with the provided pre-paid label.
Related FAQs
Will I be kept up to date?
How long does it take for you to receive my device?
How do I check the status of my order?
How long is my quote valid for?
I have filled out some of my details wrong. How can I change them?
I have received my device, but I didn't receive the box I sent it in. What do I do?
I received my new evaluation but I want my device back. What do I do?
Why do your quotes say up to? Will there be any deductions when you are evaluating my device?