
Check the status of your return or missing item request

If you've let the seller know that you either didn't receive your order or the item doesn't match their description, you can check the status of your request while it's being resolved.

Deliveries may be delayed due to Royal Mail industrial action. We recommend waiting a few days after the estimated delivery date before reporting that you haven't received your order.

Read our most popular questions and answers on how eBay manages missing item or return requests. You'll also get more information in our full article below.

How long do I have to wait before I can ask eBay to help?

Once you've opened a request, your seller has 3 business days to respond to you and resolve your issue. After that, if they haven't responded to you, or you're not satisfied with their response, you can ask us to step in and help - opens in new window or tab.

Most sellers want to fix problems for their buyers, so if you're still communicating, you have up to 21 days to ask us to step in after you've opened your request.

How do I close or cancel an open request?

If your item has arrived, or you no longer want to return it, you can choose to cancel your case. Here's how:

  1. Go to your Purchase History - opens in new window or tab.
  2. Select See request details in the More actions dropdown menu.
  3. Select Close your request and choose your reason from the dropdown menu.

It's important to make sure that you're certain you want to cancel a case as you won't be able to re-open it once it's closed.

Where do I manage my open requests?

You can manage your open requests and cases from your Purchase History - opens in new window or tab.


Once you've let the seller know you've had an issue with your order, they have 3 business days to get back to you and help resolve things.

Check the status of your request

When you've opened a request, you can track its progress at any time.

Check my request status

You'll also find details of how your request is progressing in your Purchase History - opens in new window or tab.

Keep in mind that the seller has 3 business days to respond from the time you opened the request. If it hasn't been more than 3 business days, give the seller more time to get in touch. Most sellers are happy to help once they know there's an issue.

Get help from eBay

If the seller hasn't responded after 3 business days, or if they've responded but their solution isn't acceptable to you, you can ask us to step in and help:

  1. Select the Go to your open requests button below.
  2. Find the item you'd like our help with.
  3. Choose Take action.
  4. Select Ask eBay to step in.
Go to your open requests - opens in new window or tab

Once you've asked us to step in, we'll respond to you and the seller with our final decision within 48 hours. Read our article on asking eBay to step in and help for more information.

Getting your refund

Your refund will be sent to your original payment method. Funds are usually available within 3-5 business days.