Resolving Buying Problems

Return an item for a refund

If your item arrives damaged, doesn’t match the listing description, or is the wrong item, you can return it for a refund. If you've changed your mind and want to send it back, you can ask grade mobile if we'll accept a return.


If the item you received arrived damaged, doesn't match the listing description, or if it's the wrong item, you're covered under the eBay Money Back Guarantee. In most circumstances you can return it even if the seller's returns policy says they don't accept returns.

If you no longer want an item, you'll be able to see in the listing if the seller offers returns, how long you have to request a return, and any other conditions. You can check the listing by selecting the item in your Purchase history - opens in new window or tab.

Once you start a return, the seller has 3 business days to resolve your issue. If your problem isn't solved at the end of those 3 business days, you can ask us to step in and help.

Start a return

To start a return, select the item you want to send back from your recent purchases above, or follow the steps below:

  1. Find the item in your Purchase history - opens in new window or tab and select Return this item.
  2. Select your reason for the return.
  3. If the item arrived damaged, broken, or faulty, add up to 10 images relevant to the reason you're returning the item for, and showing any scratches or defects. Make sure to follow our Images, video and text policy when you're uploading images.
  4. Select Send.

Return your item

Once you've started a return, you can check on the status of your request at any time.

What happens after you've started a return

The seller has 3 business days to get back to you. You can monitor the progress of your request by selecting Check your return status below, or in your Purchase history - opens in new window or tab.

Check your return status

How the seller responds depends on the reason for your return.


Once you open a return request, the seller has 3 business days to resolve the issue.

Send the item back

When the seller accepts your return, you'll receive an email to your Messages - opens in new window or tab with the subject “Send the item back”. You'll need to send it back within 10 business days, using tracked postage. Adding tracking details to your return helps protect against delays or issues in the refund process. If you use an eBay returns label, tracking details are automatically uploaded. If you're using your own label, you should manually add tracking details to the return. Who covers the postage costs depends on why you're returning it. Find more information about return postage.

When you're sending the item back, repack it carefully, and keep in mind that the condition you send the item back to the seller in is important.

If the returned item is used, damaged, missing parts, or is damaged during return postage because it wasn't packaged correctly, some sellers might deduct from your refund to cover the loss in the item's value. 

For more information, see our Condition of returned items policy.

If the item has a total cost of £450 or more it will need to be returned with a signature confirmation. Learn more about our signature confirmation requirements.

Get your refund

Once the item is delivered to the seller, your refund should be processed within 2 business days. Your refund will be sent to your original payment method and funds are usually available within 3-5 business days.

You can check on your refund in your Purchase history - opens in new window or tab.

Get help from eBay

Most of the time if you have an issue with a purchase, the seller will be able to solve it for you. However, if after 3 business days the seller hasn't been able to resolve your problem, you can ask us to step in and help within 21 business days of opening your return request.

Learn more about asking eBay for help.

Cancelling a request

If you've changed your mind about a case you've opened, and no longer want to return your item, it's easy to cancel your request.

Cancelling a Return request

To cancel a Return request:

  1. Go to your Purchase history - opens in new window or tab and find the item.
  2. Select See request details in the More actions dropdown menu.
  3. Select Close your request and choose your reason from the dropdown menu.

It's important to make sure you're certain you want to cancel a request, as you won't be able to re-open a case once it's been closed.

Misuse of returns or the eBay Money Back Guarantee

Engaging in activity as described in the Abusive Buyer Policy may result in a range of actions, including issuing warnings to buyers, blocking buyers from requesting returns or refunds on eBay, blocking buyers from opening claims, the loss of eBay Money Back Guarantee coverage, and account suspension.

Activity that is not allowed includes, but is not limited to:

  • Opening duplicate requests using other buyer protection programmes
  • Colluding with a seller to wrongly declare an item's value for customs
  • Filing a chargeback after receiving a refund
  • Claiming an item was not received when there is proof of delivery to the buyers address on the Order Details
  • Falsely claiming an item was not as described
  • Returning an item other than the original item received
  • Using or damaging and item and then returning it

You can find more information about our returns policies by referring to our eBay Money Back Guarantee policy and our Condition of returned items policy.

Frequently Asked Questions